Any singer 55 and over (by January 30th) who would like to participate is welcome to join the Chorus! We are always looking to add new members. Remember that this project is open to anyone with a JAD membership! A great opportunity for all! Doug Smeltz is the director and coordinator of this district-wide project.
Want to be prepared?
The songs have been chosen (Cinderella and When You Were Sweet Sixteen) and there are learning tracks available for you to download and begin learning the music. This makes it easy and fun to jump right in and participate!
Here’s the link to the chart and tracks to Cinderella! Cinderella
Here’s the chart and tracks to When You Were Sweet Sixteen When You Were Sweet Sixteen
Rehearsal Information!
Vocal Seniority rehearses at Lord of Life Lutheran Church (2480 W Granville Rd, Columbus, OH 43235) in Linworth, Ohio.
Our next rehearsal is in November and Here is a doodle survey of dates that Doug would like to consider. Check all that would work and I'll try and get the best attendance date! Please do this immediately!.