Nickname: "D"
Voice Part: Bass
Family: My best gal Meredith. Between us we have 7 kids (all grown) and 14 grands.
Background & Education: We reside in Canton, Oh, but I was born, raised, educated in Akron, Oh. I attended Akron U and Kent State U. US Army in the mid 50's.
Employment History: 35 years managing the affairs of the State Farm Insurance Companies in NE Ohio (1965-1995). Executive Director of BHS (1996-2004). Currently retired.
Barbershop Experience: BHS President (1987); BHS Exec. Director (1996-2004); Most leadership positions in JAD and Canton Ohio Chapter; 1st quartet in high school (1949); many time International quartet and chorus competitor; Senior Quartet Gold Medal (Harmony 2001); Senior Quartet Medalist (Lightly Seasoned); lots and lots of quartet and chorus coaching; retired 2010 from a mostly wonderful judging career of nearly 40 years.
Other Musical Interests, Background, & Experience: our kids and in-law kids sing with Meredith and me to form a 12 voice mixed mini chorus. What fun! I'm a ""foodie" and love nothing more than planning and cooking up a meal for a crowd.
Honors, Awards, Achievements of Which You Are Most Proud: doing all of the things for my chapter, district, and Society that allowed me to become a candidate for the Society's highest and most prestigious award--The Society's Hall of Fame (inducted 2010).
I'll respond partially with a tongue in cheek twist. My JAD presidency (1979-80) led to my being elected to the Society's Board - which led to a VP spot on the Executive Committee - which ultimately led to my election as Society President in 1987 - I was elected as Society CEO/Exec Director in 1995 - 2004, was/am Society's longest-serving board member (22 years) - all leading to my proudest moment... that being inducted into the Society's Hall of Fame.
The weird part is that all of the above came about by a fluke in our JAD Rules and Regs. It was 1975-ish when then JAD Pres, Bud Duenk ask me to serve as JAD's Music chair, which I did for a few years. Later (forgive my memory about dates as I'm guessing) when Gene Courts was JAD pres the board decided to make JAD's major chairmen into VP's and members of the board. It was more the rule than the exception that if board members were doing an OK job they were expected to move up the ranks and most likely become JAD President. That's exactly what happened to me. Which leads to the real reason for my moving up through the Society ranks (1st paragraph) which would have never happened had the JAD rules and Regs not been changed back in the late 70's.
I will proudly say that the work we (JAD Board) did back in those days set the stage for much of JAD's quartet success at the international level. We (Larry Ajer and I) invented the concept of a TOP GUN clinic for quartets. It started with an annual Canton weekend that featured JAD's select quartets and the very best coaches from all over America. Word got out, thus the beginning of TOP GUN all over the Society. The first Top Gun was held in the SWD, with a stunning result of helping create the GOLD MEDAL / ACOUSTIX who won later that year in 1990. JAD's TOP GUN is still thriving. Our record of helping several of JAD's finest quartets achieve GOLD is legendary.
-- D